Timothy Herron

Timothy Herron
Handsome, Brave

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In painting I concentrate in plein air and figurative subject matter. I also run a unique portrait drawing group The Pretentious Cleveland Portrait Artists that meet every Friday night to draw the portrait of whomever signed up to pose from the general public. No money is exchanged as the models pose for portraits. Anyone is welcome to join us.

Featured Work


Located on Larchmere in the Shaker/Cleveland area. Oils. Plein Air

Big Fun

Big Fun
Store on Coventry. Oils. Plein air


Drawn at the Natural History Museum. Sue is the biggest T-Rex ever found. 32" x 40" Conte

Class Warfare

Class Warfare
Painted from drawing done on location. Oils

K-3 Gang Drive by (Kindergarden to 3rd grade)

K-3 Gang Drive by (Kindergarden to 3rd grade)
Painted from different photo references. Oils

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