Tiffany Carpenter of LivNart

Tiffany Carpenter of LivNart
Multi-media/Performin Art

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Tiffany Carpenter of Cleveland, OH is a Visionary Artist. She paints with Mixed Media, using a double exposure effect to captivate her audience with the vibrant hues she finds in fabric, paint, thread and whatever other materials she can think of that will connect the viewer to the layers of her story in her art. She gleans inspiration from the color, light and textures in the world around her and ties them into her life experiences. With epoxy resin in some of her work she works to increase the vibrancy in each piece, all while breaking the mold of untouchable art. Tiffany shares her life through her art, love, pain, victories and the insight in it all along the way. She was introduced to acrylics at 9 and won a place in the Stakeholders Art Magazine for her rendition of Van Gogh's "Sunflower" painting at 10. After exploring various visual and performing arts through grade school and college, Tiffany pursued painting as one of her focused forms of expression in 2012, filling clients homes with one of a kind pieces that tell the story of life and God's hand at work in it.
In the performing arts Tiffany bring concepts to life through dance and spoken word, giving metaphors movement and simple concepts, intensity and complexity through a dance style called K.R.U.M.P.

Featured Work

Heart Strings

Heart Strings
A tug on the heart made me appreciate the beauty of my light, now I love myself & I can love. 18x36

Caught Up

Caught Up
The beauty of the process we call life, how not to get caught up in one part, but enjoy it all. 8x8


Serenity pigmented and covered with the day to day smoke and mirrors. 8x8


Acrylic Dirty Pour showing layers of paint just like our earth and our lives. 16x20

Boldy Before

Boldy Before
A bold stand before the throne of Grace makes me the weapon He intended me to be. 24x36

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