Ryan Charles Ramer

Ryan Charles Ramer
Classical Composer

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I am a classical music composer and producer. My compositional style is approachable and fresh, focusing on music that sounds refined and expressive versus experimental and bizarre. I primarily write for acoustic instruments, using standard and graphic notation.

I have produced concerts of my work for the past decade, providing competitive pay for local musicians. I form ensembles based on the instrumentation of each piece, ranging from duets to over a dozen players per concert. I have also worked with established ensembles, such as string quartets, piano trios, piano quintets, vocal choirs, opera troupes, flute choirs, and more.

I have had my work performed by several local organizations including the Cleveland Classical Guitar Society, the Greater Cleveland Flute Society, Cleveland Opera Theater, Cleveland Contempopera, the Music Settlement, and the Cleveland Composers' Guild, among others.

Featured Work


169 Fugue
Composer & Engraver: Ryan Charles Ramer This fugue states its subject 169 times.

169 Fugue
Composer: Ryan Charles Ramer Fugal Subject: 1st measure of music Instrumentation: 8 hands, 1 pia


Rubaiyats of Omar Khayyam
Composer & Engraver: Ryan Charles Ramer Poet: Omar Khayyam Translator: Fulke Greville

Rubaiyats of Omar Khayyam
Composer: Ryan Charles Ramer Soprano: Liz Huff Instrumentation: 8 hands, 2 pianos

Sonata #5
Music: Ryan Charles Ramer. Piano: Leah Frank. Paintings: 9 Cleveland artists inspired by Sonata

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