
Caricature artist

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I'm a experienced self taught artist with over 20+ years of experience. I began my formal training at a large amusement park in the early 1990s. Since then, I have done freelance traditional caricature work for weddings, graduation parties, and retirement celebrations. Most recently, he has branched out into digital format with iPad Pro. Excited to provide professional caricatures by print or email. Contact me for your live and digital needs. Great for wedding receptions caricatures are traditionally black and white can add color she make it fun also do digital format as well contact me for a great time cuz not everybody wants to dance at a wedding reception all night so they can get a caricature done instead

Featured Work


Caricature traditional and Live digital caricatures


Caricatures traditional and Live digital

Caricature stand

Wedding reception

Wedding reception

Party setup

Party setup

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