Mona Kolesar

Mona Kolesar

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Artists Statement:

The linear line in space as a mode of expression plays an important role in my art. It has been an ongoing exploration over an extended period. Early investigations were with steel bars/bands, then laminated strips of cherry, next, cultured marble (corean), and recently, cold-bend wood.
Vibrations, movement, waves, dance, sound, direction, flow can be expressed with line. A line can suggest containment or liberation.
Does “the process come first and the concept after” as Judy Plaff stated. “There is a lot of serendipity, chaos and evolving”. I identify with this approach. Without being consciously aware, I find that interpreting the creative thought process: the sparks, the gathering, the churning, the connections, with lines, both combined and intertwined, give me fodder to develop my sculpture.

Featured Work


acry. on wood 38x40x5"


acry. on wood 60 x 60 8"

Fantasy Rooms

Fantasy Rooms
Rooms on Pedestals

Idea Room

Idea Room
acry. on wood 15"x 11" x 9"

Venting Room

Venting Room
acry. on wood 10" x 7" x 14"

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