Julia Rosa Sosa is an El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juarez native. Upon graduating from The University of Texas at El Paso, Julia has focused on projects that resonate with the Latinx Community and has been part of the FAIR Program in Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Mojada: Una Medea in Los Angeles by Luis Alfaro (Assistant Director), Native Gardens at Cleveland Play House (CPH) to Robert Barry Fleming (Assistant Director) Antigone (Assistant Director) Directed by Lauren Keating (CPH).
She worked in Spanish productions in the USA; En el Tiempo de las Mariposas, Marisol at Cleveland Public Theatre and Valentina y la Sombra del Diablo at Julia de Burgos Cultural Art Center. She was happy to be a part of the DirectorsLab Chicago 2019. In 2020 Julia had her playwright debut at ReUnión rEvolucion A Latinx New Works Festival with the Radio play El Toro y la Niña. She has been the vocalist and lyrisist from the musical duo Lúnatic along Maic Corral.
Marison by Jose Rivera at Cleveland Public Theatre
Picture by Steve Wagner
Actors Sylka Edmuson and Eli Fuentes Aguirre
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