Emily Dove

Emily Dove

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I am an illustrator and author who spent 8 years in Cleveland, Ohio, where I was greatly inspired by the winding rivers and fall foliage. As a certified naturalist, I always strive to use illustration as a tool to educate and inspire others about the natural world. Although I am now living in the Seattle area, I will always have a deep love for Cleveland and its blend of nature and rustbelt history.

Notable clients include Simon & Schuster, Chronicle Books, Penguin Random House, Google, American Greetings, LAND Studio, and others. Find a list of my books on my website: https://www.emilydove.com/about-me-1

I am proudly represented by Molly O'Neill of Root Literary.

Featured Work

Rocky Mountain National Park

Rocky Mountain National Park
An illustration for Campfire Stories, a book of short stories about the National Parks.

Redwood National Park

Redwood National Park
An illustration of Redwood National Park


A spread from A l'ombre de mes branches, published by Fleurus

Spencer and Vincent, the Jellyfish Brothers

Spencer and Vincent, the Jellyfish Brothers
Available through Simon and Schuster

Wendell the Narwhal

Wendell the Narwhal
Available through Simply Read Books

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