Elisa Albrecht

Elisa Albrecht

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Elisa Albrecht is from Cleveland Ohio, she was born in 1991 and studied Fine art with a focus on drawing and painting at Kent State University graduating in 2016. Currently, her work is focused in styles from surrealism, using the techniques of decalcomania. An inventive mode of drawing with either ink or thick paint on canvas. Using wet mediums creating blots and patterns on a surface created from pressed paper or plexie glass or simply the stain of the ink itself. Using these as a starting point, Elisa finds shapes within or of the entire blot itself to work from to form an object. From those shapes, she adds lines and other various gestural marks to create various, figures, and spaces. Although the scenes that she creates on the page are mainly based on the variations of forms within the ink, the imagery is heavily influenced by themes of storytelling with comics and literature of science fiction and fantasy. As well as research of landscapes, historical architecture.

Featured Work


40" x 80" inches Ink on paper

Landscape 5

Landscape 5
10" x 20" inches Ink on paper

Landscape 17

Landscape 17
30" x 40" inches Ink on paper

Landscape 6

Landscape 6

Landscape 13

Landscape 13
Ink on paper

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