Bili Kribbs

Bili Kribbs
Sculptor Painter

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We are exposed to a constant stream of seemingly limitless sources of inspiration in today’s modern western world. Because we consume so much input, expression becomes a necessary function for our sanity. I am grateful to understand and have the ability to practice this.
My formal training in computer animation channeled my passion for cartoons and my work is heavily inspired by them, aiming to invoke a child-like joy, playfulness, and curiosity that perhaps the viewer hasn’t experienced in a long time. It is an exploration and celebration of that place that straddles strange and whimsical, rendered in an eccentric and bold way. My work attempts to deliver the viewer to a new, unique, maybe even weird place.
My process is a meditation on curiosity and imagination, fueled by a connection to my own youthful way of thinking. I am grateful to have the capacity to document the human experience of creativity, which liberates the modern-day working adult. I intend to amplify and share that feeling of fearlessness and intellectual freedom through my art.
Today, I work in a wide range of mediums to accommodate any creative whim. This includes acrylic paint, spray paint and cut stencils, illustration, graphic design and, most prolifically, polymer sculptures which are reproduced into an array of colorful plastic resin toys.
Whenever possible, I use found objects rather than new paints, canvas, or sculpting materials in my work. By repurposing what already exists, barriers to art-making due to a lack of resources are eliminated, and my work propagates the notion that anyone can be a maker. My work both reminds us of the past while representing a present idea, a philosophy that is also represented in my digital work through vintage design.
My work and my philosophy is constantly evolving as I meet new artists, discover new ideas, and explore new techniques. I welcome the notion that there will always be more to experience, more to learn, and more to express.
-Bili Kribbs

Featured Work

Monster Friends

Monster Friends
Acrylic on Canvas

Towpath Adventures

Towpath Adventures
Digital Graphic Design

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